Processing an Extension

To deliver an extension package to a client, it needs to be processed. This article will walk you, step-by-step, through the workflow of preparing an extension package.



  • The extension package must contain a federal extension form to be recognized. If it doesn't, the return will upload with a status of ERROR and cannot be processed.
  • For UltraTax Extension packages, please ensure the page size is 8.5X11. If other page sizes are used, you may experience recognition issues.
  1. Click Send Extensions.
  2. Click on the corresponding tax software button.
  3. Drag the Client Copy to Drag files here or click to upload
  4. View the Upload Progress bar; it turns green when the upload is complete. 
  5. Verify Client ID or enter Client ID.
  6. Click Submit. 


Newly uploaded extensions appear in the Extensions In-Process dashboard. The extension will move from an UPLOADED status to a READY status. 

  1. Locate the extension to be opened. 
  2. Click the purple rocket ship icon in the Action menu to open the extension. 

Client Info

The Client Info tab displays the first page of the federal extension and client information. The client's email address (required) and mobile number (optional) can be added here. All other information in the right panel is automatically filled or not required for delivery. 


When processing an extension, you begin in the Client Info tab, but you can click on any tab in the bar to go directly to that part of the workflow.

Client Details and Return Information

    1. Click the page name under Client Details to view the federal application for extension. 
      • Client Information is pulled from this page. 
    2. Click the Return Information header to expand it. 
    3. Type into the Client ID field to edit it.
    4. Click the drop-down to edit the ERO / Signer assigned to the return. 
    5. Engagement Type cannot be edited; this information is automatically recognized.
    6. Tax Year cannot be edited; this information is automatically recognized.
    7. Office Location can be changed if additional options exist for your user profile. See the Multiple Office Locations article for more information. 
    8. Click the Married Filing Joint box to add/remove a spouse from the return (1040 returns only). 

Company (Entity Extensions Only)

  1. Type into the Name field to edit the company name. 
  2. Type into the EIN field to edit it. 
  3. Type into the Mobile field to add or edit a mobile number. See Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication for Taxpayers for more information. 
  4. Type into the Email field to add or edit the email address for the return recipient (required). 

Taxpayer/Spouse (1040 Extensions Only)

The Taxpayer and Spouse information panels are identical. One contains the taxpayer's information and the other contains the spouse's information. 

  1. Type into the Name field to edit the taxpayer or spouse's name. 
  2. Type into the SSN field to edit it. 
  3. Type into the Address field to edit it. 
  4. Type into the City field to edit it.
  5. Click the State drop-down to edit it.
  6. Type into the Zip field to edit it. 
  7. Click the DOB field to edit it or leave it blank; the taxpayer can enter their DOB. 
  8. Type into the Mobile field to add or edit a mobile number. See Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication for Taxpayers for more information. 
  9. Type into the Email field to add or edit the email address for the return recipient (required). 
  10. Click the Deceased checkbox to mark the spouse or taxpayer as deceased. See Deceased Taxpayer Option for more information. 



The group tab displays all pages included in the extension and can be used to move, delete, and restore pages. 

Move Individual Pages

  1. Click a section in the left panel to locate pages to be moved. 
  2. Click the checkbox in the top right corner of the page(s). 
  3. Click Move To. 
  4. Click the appropriate section.


Move Groups of Pages

  1. Click a section in the left panel to locate pages to be moved. 
  2. Click Select All.  
  3. Click Move To. 
  4. Click the appropriate section.


Restore Pages

  1. Navigate to the Deleted section in the left-hand panel. 
  2. Click Select All or choose specific pages. 
  3. Click Move To. 
  4. Click the appropriate section.



The Transmittals tab displays all transmittal letters and filing instructions included in the extension, as well as all vouchers due. Transmittals are displayed in the center so they can be compared to the amounts due listed in the left panel. 

  1. Click a Transmittal bookmark to display that page of the PDF. 
  2. Click the green and white Add Multiple Voucher button to add vouchers. See Adding Voucher Payments Manually for more information. 
  3. Click the Taxing Authority for a voucher to open the editing panel on the right. 
  4. Select an ERO stamp to apply to the return. 
  5. Drag/drop an ERO stamp onto the selected page. 


Filing Form

The Filing Form tab shows you all the forms in the extension packet. You can edit them by clicking the Edit icon next to the form's name. You can also preview the forms and add signature controls or payment information. When editing, a pop-up appears asking for more information about that form. 

Signature Forms

    1. Click Yes next to the signature question. Additional fields appear.
    2. Select the taxing authority from the drop-down.
    3. Enter the form name.
    4. Click Update.
    5. Scroll through the preview of the form and add signature controls where needed.
    6. Click Next to move to the next section. 


Be sure to change the signature drop-down from the taxpayer to the spouse if both signatures are needed. This lets you place signature controls specific to each person.



  1. Click Yes next to the voucher question. Additional fields will appear.
  2. Fill out the necessary fields:
      • Select the taxing authority from the drop-down.
      • Select the payment type.
      • Enter/verify the due date.
      • Enter an amount.
      • Enter the form name.
      • Select a watermark to be applied.
      • Enter the payment URL.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Click Next to move to the next section. 07b-process-filing-form-voucher.png


If both a signature and a payment are required on the same form, you can click Yes next to the signature question and voucher question. Fill out the additional fields as needed.

Additional E-Sign Documents

The Additional E-Sign Documents tab is used to manually add e-file forms that were not included in the original extension PDF. 

  1.  Click the green and white Add Document button. 
  2. Drag the Paper File PDF to Drag files here or click to upload
  3. View the Upload Progress bar; turns green when the upload is complete. 
  4. Select a document type from the Document Type drop-down menu. 
  5. Click Submit



Be sure to change the signature drop-down from the taxpayer to the spouse if both signatures are needed. This lets you place signature controls specific to each person. 

After upload, additional editing options appear. 

  1. Click the Modify Added Document button to edit the document type. 
  2. Select a Document Type from the drop-down. 
  3. Click Save to save any edits made. 
  4. Add signature blocks by dragging/dropping them onto the page. 


Delivery Options

The Delivery Options tab is where you specify firm contacts, messages, notifications, and reminders. Default values for these fields are filled based on company and personal user settings. 

Taxpayer Dashboard

  1. Click the Taxpayer Preview button to view the return as the taxpayer. 
    • A new tab opens; pop-ups must be enabled for this function. 
  2. Click the Contact Person drop-down to select who will be listed as the firm contact for the taxpayer. 
  3. Click the Message from Preparer drop-down to select a pre-made template to apply. See the Saved Messages section of the Settings Overview article for more information. 
  4. Click New to create a new Message from Preparer
  5. Click Edit to edit the existing Message from Preparer (setting must be enabled by an administrator under Settings >Saved Messages). 


Custom Column: <Column Name>

  1. Click the Column Value drop-down to change the default column value for the return. See the General section of the Settings Overview article for more information. 


Email Notifications

This section allows you to choose delivery and notification options. 

  1. Select if the extension is delivered to the Taxpayer or Spouse first using the Deliver First to radio buttons.
    • This option only appears for 1040 Married Filing Jointly (MFJ) extensions.
  2. Select the name that appears on email notifications that the client receives in the Sender Name drop-down. 
  3. Select which user receives signing event notifications from the Notify About Signing Events drop-down. 
  4. Select which user receives voucher payment activity notifications from the Notify About Payment Events drop-down.


  1. Click the Send Voucher Reminders before drop-down to select a reminder delivery timeframe for the taxpayer. 
  2. Click the Voucher Reminder toggle to turn reminders on/off. 
  3. Click the Send Signing Reminder after drop-down to select a reminder delivery timeframe for the taxpayer. 
  4. Click the Signing Reminder toggle to turn reminders on/off.

See the Voucher Reminders Features article for more information about voucher reminder options. 


Modify Retention Period

This section allows you to modify how long SafeSend stores an extension (if firm settings allow).

  1. Select a date range from Please select the retention period for the document.
  2. Check to mark the extension as an Attest Client. Review our article Managing Retention Policy for more information. 

Signature Options

  1. Click the E-sign radio button to set the extension to be e-signed by the taxpayer OR
  2. Click Manually Sign and Return to set the return to be manually signed by the taxpayer OR
  3. Click Review Extension to set the return to review only (the taxpayer will not be prompted to sign). 
  4. Click the Allow signer delegation checkbox to enable delegation for the extension (if firm settings allow). 

See the Signature Control Reference Guide article for more information about signature options. 


Mailing Address

In this section, you can set the address and fax number your clients see when they go through the manual signing process. These addresses are managed in the Account Management > Office Location settings. 

  1. Select the address from the drop-down.
    • The address and fax (if included) is displayed below.

Finish Processing

After clicking Finish, you will see a pop-up that lets you choose how to complete the processing workflow. You may choose from the following options:

Send for Review

Allows you to select another user in the firm to review the extension packet. They will receive an email notification to review.

  1. Select the reviewer in your firm from the drop-down.
  2. Click Send.


Send to ERO/Signer

Allows you to send the extension package to the ERO contact. They will receive an email notification to review.


  • The ERO/Signer can't be changed in the Finish pop-up. You can go back to the Client Info tab to change the designated ERO/Signer.
  • If you are the designated ERO/Signer, this tab will not appear.
  1. Verify that the ERO/Signer is correct.
  2. Click Send.


Approve for Delivery

Allows you to specify who approved the extension packet in the firm. This updates the status of the extension to Approved for Delivery.

  1. Select an approver in your firm from the drop-down.
  2. Click Approve.


Deliver to Client/Company

Triggers the initial notification to your client that their extension is ready for review and e-signing. Selecting this delivery method will move the extension out of the Send Extensions dashboard and into the Extensions Report.

  1. Confirm that you are sending it to the company/taxpayer (or their spouse).
  2. Verify company/taxpayer information. 
  3. Click Send to deliver the extension. 


Download PDF

Allows you to download PDF files of the extension packet. Selecting this delivery method will move the extension out of the Send Extensions list and into the Extensions Report.

  1. Choose between the following options:
    • Download Multiple PDF files (one for each document grouping). This option produces multiple PDF files, one for each group in the extension packet.
    • Download Single PDF file. This option produces one PDF file with all the groups included. You can change the order of the groups here and even save it as your default grouping for future downloads.
  2. Click the notification checkbox if you want SafeSend Extensions to email you when the file(s) are generated and available for download.
  3. Click Prepare PDF File(s) for Printing.

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