The purpose of the Bulk Action Icons in the Extensions Report and Archived Extensions sections, as well as when and how to use them are outlined below. These reporting sections display all extensions that have been delivered to the client.
One or more extensions can be edited at the same time using the Bulk Action Icons. The Select All checkbox will select all extensions displayed on that page. To select all extensions, click here in the yellow information box.
You can restrict access on any extension to the users of your choice.
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Set Access above.
- Drag/Drop Available Users to the Users with Access Rights section and/or
- Drag/Drop Available User Groups to the User Groups with Access Rights section and/or
- Click Save to confirm any changes.
You can change the status of an extension by using the Change Status button. You change any of the statuses except Signed, Uploaded and Signed, and E-Signed.
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Change Status above.
- Select the dropdown to change the status. The following scenarios can occur:
- Awaiting E-Sign to Manually Signed.
- Manually Signed to Awaiting E-Sign or Awaiting Upload.
- Awaiting Upload to Manually Signed.
- Extensions in an E-signed, Signed And E-Signed, or Uploaded status cannot be changed.
- Click Save to update the Status.
You can change the value of the custom column for reporting and tracking. Custom columns are added by Administrators under Settings > General.
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Change <Column Name> above. In this example, the column name is Custom Column.
- Select the drop-down list to choose from all currently added values.
- Click Save to update the column value.
Send Reminder Now
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Send Reminder.
- Click the Send Reminder Now tab.
- Select the Send Signing Reminder check box.
- Click Send.
Scheduled Automated Reminder
Please note:
When the Automated Reminder button is clicked, it displays your firm's default settings. It does not display the current settings for that extension. To view the current settings for a specific extension, use the Action Menu.- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Send Reminder.
- Click the Scheduled Automated Reminder tab.
- Select the Send Voucher Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days before the due date the reminder will be delivered.
- Select the Send Signing Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days after the initial delivery or most recent reminder email the next reminder will be delivered.
- Click the toggle to the right of the Voucher or Signing reminder drop-down to turn reminders on or off.
- Click Save to apply any changes made.
You can move completed extensions to help keep your Delivered Extensions report more organized (recommended).
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Archive above.
- Click Confirm to move the extension to the Archive Extensions section.
You can restore a document from the Archive Extensions section if necessary.
- Navigate to the Archived Extensions section in the left panel.
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Restore above.
- Click Confirm to move the extension back to the Delivered Extensions section.
You can download completed e-file forms. The files are downloaded into a .ZIP file. Depending on your My Settings selections, the documents will either be downloaded to your PC or to the My Downloads folder.
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click Download e-file Forms above.
Only extensions with a status of E-signed or Uploaded are able to be downloaded.
When an extension is deleted it is placed into the Recycle Bin, where it can either be restored or permanently deleted. Permanent deletion is not recommended.
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click the Delete button above.
- Click Confirm to delete the extension(s).
- Navigate to the Recycle Bin in the left panel.
- Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
- Click the Restore button above.
- Click Confirm to restore the extension(s).
The extension is moved back to the Delivered Extensions section.
Related Articles
Delivered Extensions Dashboard
Delivered Extensions: Action Menu
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