Delivered Extensions: Action Menu

The purpose of all of the Action Menu options in the Extensions Report and Archived Extensions sections, as well as when and how to use them are outlined below. This reporting section displays all extensions that have been delivered to the client. 

Upload Forms

This option allows you to upload signed documents that were received outside of SafeSend.

Please note:

This option is only available for extensions in a Manually Signed status. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu. 
  2. Click Upload Forms
  3. Drag and Drop or Click to upload.
  4. Click Submit

The status of the extension changes to Uploaded

Download e-file forms

This option allows you to download signed e-file forms. 

Please note:

This option is only available for extensions in an E-Signed or Uploaded status. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu. 
  2. Click Download e-file forms
  3. Click Download to download an individual PDF OR
  4. Click Download All to download a .ZIP file containing all signed documents.

Resend Acess Link

This option allows you to send the access link to the taxpayer again, or copy their access link.

Please note:

This option is only available for extensions in an E-Signed, Uploaded, or Manually Signed status. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu. 
  2. Click Resend Access Link
  3. Click the arrow icon to resend the access link to the taxpayer OR
  4. Click the paper icon to copy the live access link. 

Client View 

This option allows you to see a preview of what the client also sees in a new browser tab. 

Please note:

Pop-ups must be enabled for the new tab to open. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu. 
  2. Click Client View from the action menu.
  3. Click the Client or Company name.  
    • A new tab will open that presents a static view of the extension. 
    • No actions will affect the extension for the taxpayer. 

Recall Return

This option allows you to move an extension back to the Send Extensions section so the extension can be re-processed or re-uploaded. 

See the following articles for more information about recalling and reprocessing: 

Recalling a Return

Processing a Recalled Return

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Recall Return
  3. Review the extension information displayed. 
  4. Click Confirm to move the extension to the Send Extensions section.

Send Reminder

This option allows you to send a reminder manually, or edit the automated reminder settings for a specific extension. When the Send Reminder button is clicked, the current reminder settings for that extension are displayed. 

Send Reminder Now

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Send Reminder
  3. Click the Send Reminder Now tab. 
  4. Select the Send Signing Reminder check box. 
  5. Click Send

Scheduled Automated Reminder

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Send Reminder
  3. Click the Scheduled Automated Reminder tab. 
  4. Select the Send Voucher Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days before the due date the reminder will be delivered. 
  5. Select the Send Signing Reminder before drop-down to choose how many days after the initial delivery or most recent reminder email the next reminder will be delivered. 
  6. Click the toggle to the right of the Voucher or Signing reminder drop-down to turn reminders on or off. 
  7. Click Save to apply any changes made. 

View Access Code

The firm can generate an access code and provide it via phone or email to the taxpayer, if necessary. This code expires after 20 minutes, after it is user, or after a new code is generated. 


  1. Click the More Action Items (...) icon.
  2. Click View Access Code to open the Access Code window. 
  3. Click the Direct Document tab. 
  4. View the most current access code OR
  5. Click Generate Access Code to generate a new code for the taxpayer.

Client Portal

    1. Click the More Action Items (...) icon.
    2. Click View Access Code to open the Access Code window. 
    3. Click the Client Portal tab. 
    4. View the most current access code OR
    5. Click Generate Access Code to generate a new code for the taxpayer.
Retention Policy

If your company settings allow, you can alter the retention period for a specific extension. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Retention Policy from the action menu. 
  3. Click Attest Client to mark the extension as an attest extension (if applicable).
  4. Select the years and month drop-downs to select a retention period. 
  5. Click Save to apply any changes. 

Report a Problem

This option allows you to send a report from a specific extension to our Support team. This provides them with additional extension details that may be useful for troubleshooting. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Report a Problem
  3. Enter a Description of the issue. The more details, the better. 
  4. Click Submit to send the report to our Support team.

Client Tracking

This option allows you to see the actions taken by the firm and the taxpayer. See the Client Tracking Events article for more information about the listed Events. 

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Client Tracking.
  3. Review client tracking events. 

Download Returns

This option allows you to download the extension and all other associated documents.

  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Download Returns from the action menu.
  3. Click the file name to download a single PDF OR
  4. Click Download All to download all of the tax documents into a .ZIP file. 

Delete Return 

This option allows you to move the extension from the Extensions Report or Archived Extensions section to the Recycle Bin section. Deleted extensions can be restored or permanently deleted. Permanent deletion is not recommended. 


  1. Click the Action (...) menu.
  2. Click Delete Return.
  3. Click Confirm to delete. 


  1. Navigate to the Recycle Bin in the left panel.
  2. Check the box to the left of the taxpayer's name.
  3. Click the Restore button above.
  4. Click Confirm to restore the extension(s).

The extension is moved back to the Delivered Extensions section.  

Related Articles

Delivered Extensions Dashboard

Delivered Extensions: Bulk Action Icons


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