Fixing a Duplicate Voucher Conflict

Due to the varying standards of taxing authorities in different states, it's possible for SafeSend Extensions to recognize one form as both a payment voucher and an estimated voucher. In these instances, two voucher entries are created in the Filing Form tab. This results in a duplicate voucher conflict.

SafeSend Extensions notifies the user when they try to process the extension, showing the name of the duplicate vouchers and providing instructions on how to fix the situation. The warning is presented again if the user tries to deliver the extension without resolving the conflict.

SafeSend Extensions does not allow the delivery of an extension with duplicate vouchers.


The following actions happen when duplicate vouchers are present:

  • Warnings are shown to the user when processing the extension and when clicking the Finish button. Delivery of the extension is be allowed until the conflict is resolved.
  • Duplicate voucher entries are shown in the Filing Form tab.
  • A red trash can is shown next to each duplicate voucher in the Filing Form tab, highlighting the conflict to the user.
  • Editing and moving of the duplicate vouchers are disabled.


Although there are two voucher entries in the Filing Form tab, there is only one form shown in the extension's Group tab.

Removing a Duplicate Voucher

  1. Go to the Filing Form tab in the extension.
  2. Look in the Extensions section of the left panel to find the duplicate voucher entries.
  3. Click on one of the duplicate voucher entries to preview it and determine whether it is a payment or an estimated payment.
  4. Click the trash can icon on the incorrect voucher entry to remove the conflict.
  5. Continue processing the extension.



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